Involved | Committed | Dedicated
Engineering Design and Feasibility Studies
We undertake feasibility studies and engineering design on Tailings Disposal Facilities and associated infrastructure.
Tailings Surveillance
In adherence to the relevant regulatory and legislative guidelines governing the design and operation of Tailings Operations, we have developed systems and procedures to cary out on-going technical risk monitoring on simple to the most complex Tailings Operations.
Operational Support
With the application of specialised knowledge and experience gathered over the years, we give operational support to our clients. We form an integral part of the operational team and help our clients run their operations more sustainably and efficiently.

Our Value Proposition
We take a keen interest in understanding the value chain of the mining and power generation projects we get involved in. At the beginning of the value chain, we offer engineering consulting services to ensure that production delivers the tons to the processing plant. Post the processing stage we offer engineering consulting services to ensure that the residue is disposed sustainably in a geotechnically and environmentally acceptable manner.
Cradle-to-grave, we are with you from start to finish with undying dedication, enthusiasm and a strong work ethic.

Alliance Partners and Associates
​To deliver on some of our client's needs we often team up with strategic partners and associates. This allows the project team to be of greater service to our clients, render a more comprehensive solution and be more innovative.

“It is a well known fact that a group of electric batteries will provide more energy
than a single battery. It is also a well-known fact that an individual battery will
provide energy in proportion to the number and capacity of the cells it contains.
The brain functions in a similar fashion.” – Napoleon Hill